Setting Up Office Hours
1. Access Office Hours Settings
Click the menu icon in the upper-right corner of the page and select Settings.
Navigate to the Office and Provider Hours section.
2. Define Your Office Hours
Enter your office's regular working hours, including any significant breaks (e.g., lunch).
Practice by Numbers (PbN) will account for days when the office is closed or when no patients are scheduled based on your appointment book.
Setting Up Provider Hours
1. Access Provider Hours: Within the Office and Provider Hours section, locate the provider's name.
2. Configure the Provider’s Schedule: If the provider’s schedule differs from the office schedule, check the box next to their name and input their specific working hours.
If the provider follows the same hours as the office, leave the checkbox unchecked.
3. Adjust for Alternating Schedules: For providers with alternating schedules (e.g., works alternating Tuesdays and Thursdays), refer to the article Managing Providers with Alternating Workdays and Hours for guidance.
4. Make Manual Adjustments: For one-time schedule changes (e.g., a 2-hour team meeting or sick leave), see the article Manually Adjusting Provider Hours for step-by-step instructions.