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Schedule Utilization and Hours Worked
Schedule Utilization and Hours Worked

How to Set Up and Measure Efficiency in Your Dental Practice

Emily McClendon avatar
Written by Emily McClendon
Updated over 3 months ago

Schedule Utilization is a key performance indicator (KPI) for assessing the efficiency and effectiveness of your dental practice. By analyzing utilization rates, open time, cancellation rates, and failed appointments, you can evaluate your appointment scheduling processes and optimize the performance of your dental operatories.

Where to Find Schedule Utilization KPIs

You can access Schedule Utilization KPIs on various dashboards, but the main ones include:

  1. Doctors Page: Under the "Avg Production/Hour" panel (click the Provider icon to expand the list).

  2. Hygienists Page: Under the "Avg Production/Hour" panel (click the Provider icon to expand the list).

  3. Productivity Page: Found in the Advanced section.

Key Schedule Utilization Terms

1. Schedule Utilization %

  • Definition: The percentage of hours a provider is booked for patient appointments (productive hours) versus the total time they are supposed to work (available hours).

  • Calculation: Productive Hours ÷ Available Hours.

  • For accurate tracking of worked hours, use the Month-to-Date range to exclude future dates.

2. Available Hours

  • Definition: Total hours a provider is scheduled to work, including both productive hours and open time.

  • Source: Based on settings configured in PbN > Office and Provider Hours.

  • Adjustments: Events such as holidays, team meetings, or early departures may alter available hours.

3. Productive Hours

  • Definition: The total hours a provider spends seeing patients.

  • Calculation: Summed from the appointment book by adding hours in the provider’s schedule with completed procedures in the ledger.

  • Exclusions: Time spent on specific non-productive codes (e.g., X-rays, hygiene exams) defined in PbN Settings > Service Code Sets.

  • Formula: Available Hours - Open Time.

4. Open Time

  • Definition: Unbooked time when no patients are scheduled for the provider.

  • Calculation: Gaps in the appointment book across all columns.

  • Formula: Available Hours - Productive Hours.

5. Days Worked

  • Definition: Total days a provider has completed appointments with production > $0 and more than one appointment.

  • Source: Calculated from the practice management system (PMS) schedule.

6. Patient Hours

  • Definition: Total hours a provider spends with patients, including time on excluded codes (e.g., hygiene exams, X-rays).

7. Office Open Hours

  • Definition: Total operating hours of the office, subtracting lunch breaks, as set in PbN Settings.

Practice and Provider Efficiency

  • Whole Practice: Analyze Schedule Utilization over time to inform strategic decisions, such as adding a chair or provider or extending office hours.

  • Individual Providers: Assess if a provider is underutilized (too much open time) or overutilized (too busy).

Accurate Setup for Reliable KPIs

  1. Set Up Office and Provider Hours
    Configure working days and hours for the office and individual providers:

  2. Adjust for Special Events
    Modify available hours in Provider Hours Worked Settings for:

    • Early departures.

    • Team meetings.

    • Vacations (automatically detected if no appointments exist).

  3. Zero Production Codes
    Exclude certain procedures (e.g., X-rays, hygiene exams) by adding them to Schedule Utilization Ignore Codes in PbN Settings > Service Code Sets.

Additional Notes

  • Patient Hours vs. Productive Hours:

    • Patient Hours includes all scheduled time with patients, including ignored codes.

    • Productive Hours exclude time spent on ignored codes.

By maintaining an accurate setup and regularly reviewing your KPIs, you can ensure your dental practice operates at peak efficiency while effectively managing provider workloads.

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