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Hygiene Pre-Appoinment Report
Emily McClendon avatar
Written by Emily McClendon
Updated over 5 months ago

How do I get a quick report of Hygiene Patients that did not Pre Appoint for their next Hygiene visit?

A scenario would be getting your team to see all the patients that were in for hygiene appointments the previous week that did not schedule their next hygiene appointment. There is a similar article listed for doing this with New Patients also. The procedure is the same.

To get focused on just the previous week, make sure in Practice IQ you select the "This Week" in the Time Period and then click on The back arrow icon.

Then in the Home dashboard select the middle arrow in the title bar in the Hyg Pre-Appt panel. The panel will expand to show a list of all the hygiene patients that did not pre-appoint last week.

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