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Tracking New Patients Without Scheduled Treatment in the Pre-Appointment % Panel
Tracking New Patients Without Scheduled Treatment in the Pre-Appointment % Panel
Emily McClendon avatar
Written by Emily McClendon
Updated over 4 months ago

The New Patient Pre-Appointment % panel on the Patient Flow Dashboard provides a valuable view of new patients who have not yet scheduled follow-up appointments. This metric helps practices identify opportunities to engage and retain new patients by encouraging them to schedule necessary appointments after their initial visit.

Navigate to PracticeIQ > Down Arrow on the Left Menu > Advanced > Patient Flow dashboard to access this feature.

Key Metrics Explained

  1. New Patient Pre-Appointment %: Displayed as 33.3% in the example, this metric indicates the percentage of new patients who have already scheduled follow-up appointments. It gives a quick overview of how well the practice is converting new patient visits into ongoing treatment.

  2. New Seen: The count of new patients seen during the specified period, which in this example is 6. This provides a reference for the total number of new patients seen within the selected time frame.

  3. New Patients Without: The number of new patients without a follow-up appointment scheduled after their initial visit. In this example, 4 out of 6 new patients do not have follow-up appointments, meaning only 2 are scheduled for future visits. This results in a 33.3% new patient pre-appointment rate

  4. Comp Exam/New Patient % : This 83.3% figure shows the percentage of comprehensive exams performed on new patients seen. It’s useful for understanding how often new patients are receiving comprehensive exams compared to a limited exam.

  5. New/All patients % : The 5.7% represents the percentage of new patients out of the total patients seen. A higher percentage suggests strong growth and effective new patient acquisition.

Viewing and Exporting the New Patients Not Pre-appointed List

To view the full list of new patients who have not scheduled follow-up treatments:

  1. Navigate to the Patient Flow page in Practice by Numbers.

  2. Expand the NP Pre-Appointment % panel. This will display a detailed list of new patients seen within the time period selected on your dashboard.

  3. You can choose to print or export this list into a spreadsheet, making it easier to follow up with these patients and encourage them to schedule recommended treatments.

By using this feature, practices can proactively manage new patient engagement and work to improve patient retention. Following up with patients who haven’t scheduled treatments after their initial visit can lead to better patient outcomes and increased practice revenue.

Ensuring Accurate New Patient Pre-Appointment Data with Correct Date Range Selection

When reviewing New Patient Pre-Appointment numbers, it's important to set the date range to Month-to-Date (MTD) rather than the full month. Using MTD ensures the system searches for follow-up appointments scheduled after the current date. If the current month (full month) is selected, the system may only look for appointments beyond the last day of the month, potentially overlooking any appointments already scheduled within the same month. As a result, patients with scheduled follow-ups may mistakenly appear as unscheduled due to the broader date range selection.

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