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Product Release - February 2023
Emily McClendon avatar
Written by Emily McClendon
Updated over 4 months ago

Latest releases and product enhancements.

Patient Flow & Team Messaging

Both Patient Flow and Team Messaging features are now available and are still being improved. You can find new articles and videos about these features in the Help Center. Here are some of the latest updates:

Audible Notifications: Pop-up notifications for operatory alerts, provider/staff alerts, and team messages now have customizable audible sounds. Note that this feature is only available in the desktop app.

Drag and Drop: You can now drag and drop patients into any section in Patient Flow. When moving a patient from the "Expected" or "Checked-In" sections to a "Seated" location, the original operatory will highlight in green, while other operatories will highlight in yellow. You can still choose to drop the patient in any operatory you prefer.

Pending Forms

Messages Sent and Not Sent Tabs: The Pending Forms page now includes "Messages Sent" and "Not Sent" tabs. The "Messages Sent" tab shows patients who have received their forms through automated messages. The "Not Sent" tab displays patients who didn’t receive their forms and explains why (e.g., opted out, missing cell number or email).

Other Changes

Age Copy Feature: Clicking on the age in a patient’s information window will now copy the date of birth (DOB).

Kiosk Device Name: Kiosk device names no longer need to be globally unique.

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