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Completed Forms
Emily McClendon avatar
Written by Emily McClendon
Updated over 3 months ago

When patients submit their paperwork, it can automatically sync with your Practice Management System (PMS). To view this information, navigate to the Forms page and select the first tab on the left, labeled Completed Forms.

The Completed Forms tab provides a list of all recently submitted forms. It details the sync status, patient name, form type, and the date the form was completed.

  • A checkmark will appear next to a form that has successfully synced with your PMS.

  • If the sync is unsuccessful, a rotating arrow icon will be displayed. Clicking this icon will attempt to resync the form.

You can also filter the list to bring unsynced forms to the top for easier management.

If forms fail to sync after multiple attempts, check your settings to ensure proper configuration. For further assistance, feel free to contact our support team.

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