When contacting patients from the Tasks page, each contact can result in one of the following outcomes:
No Answer: The patient did not answer the call, and no voicemail was left.
If you want to try contacting the patient again:
Log the contact → Select outcome "No Answer."
Set a new follow-up date.
Click "Log Contact" and leave any necessary notes. Do not close the task yet.
Task Status: Open + In Progress.
If you do not want to contact the patient again:
Log the contact → Select outcome "No Answer."
Add any notes explaining why the task is being closed, then click "Log and Close Task."
Task Status: Closed.
Left Message: The patient did not answer, and a voicemail was left.
For both scenarios, follow the same workflow as "No Answer" (whether you want to follow up again or close the task).
Did Not Schedule: The patient was contacted but refused to schedule an appointment.
If you want to try contacting the patient again:
Log the contact → Select outcome "Did Not Schedule."
Set a new follow-up date.
Click "Log Contact" and leave notes explaining why the patient didn’t schedule. Do not close the task yet.
Task Status: Open + In Progress.
If you do not want to contact the patient again(e.g., the patient moved):
Log the contact → Select outcome "Did Not Schedule."
Add any notes explaining why the task is being closed, then click "Log and Close Task."
Task Status: Closed.
Scheduled: The patient agreed to schedule an appointment.
If no further contact is needed:
Log the contact → Select outcome "Scheduled."
Add any notes explaining why the task is being closed, then click "Log and Close Task."
Task Status: Closed.
Task Status Definitions
Each task will be in one of the following states:
Open: The patient has not been contacted yet.
In Progress: If the patient was contacted, and the outcome was "No Answer" or "Left Message," and a follow-up date was set.
Closed: If the patient was contacted and the outcome was "Scheduled" or "Did Not Schedule." Note that automatic tasks will also close when they expire.