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Treatment Coordinator Configuration
Emily McClendon avatar
Written by Emily McClendon
Updated over 5 months ago

Treatment Coordinator Configuration How to set up what Treatment Coordinator is associated with plans.

To set up where Practice IQ can detect what specific Treatment Plans to link to a Treatment Coordinator, you must create a Custom Service Code in your Practice Software that will be used when you want to associate a Treatment Coordinator with an appointment.

That Service Code is then tagged in the Treatment Presentation by Coordinator section on the Settings - Service Code Sets page.

To assign the specific Treatment Coordinator to a Treatment Plan, this code would be entered into the patient's ledger along with any other service codes for procedures that day (exams, radiographs, etc.) Make sure you assign this Service Code to the Treatment Coordinator in your Practice Software. Don't assign it to the Doctor.

When the office server syncs with Practice IQ, the system will match that unique code with the treatment plan, and the Treatment Coordinator that the code that was assigned to on the same day.

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