When you select a patient's name in PbN or find them using the search function, the Patient Window will appear on the right side of the screen.
This window provides various information and functions for each patient, including creating and assigning tasks, adding notes to their file, adding tags for customized messaging, and more.
Key Functions at the Top of the Window
Action Buttons: Below the patient details, there are several quick action buttons for managing patient-related activities:
SMS: For sending text messages to the patient.
Call: To make a phone call (If PbN Voice is enabled)
Email: For sending emails.
Forms: To send the patient manual form invites.
Treatment: To view, manage, and send the patient’s treatment plan.
Charge: To charge the patient or request a payment. Payment methods can also be managed here.
Tasks: Create tasks related to this patient.
Note: To add notes about the patient.
The Patient Avatar provides additional functions related to the patient window. Here’s what you can do from the Patient Avatar menu:
Patient Profile: Access the patient’s profile for detailed information.
Send Message: Send a text message to the patient.
Review Request: Send a review request.
Invite to Patient Portal: Send an invitation for the patient to join the patient portal.
Send Forms & Consent: Send necessary forms and consent documents to the patient.
Send Treatment Plan: Send the patient's treatment plan.
Submitted Forms: View forms that the patient has already submitted.
Pending Forms: View forms that are still pending completion by the patient.
Request Payment: Send a payment request to the patient.
Charge: Process a charge for the patient.
Tabs and Information
Family Members
General info on due dates and upcoming visits
Service and Appointment History
Treatment Plans
Message History, filterable by message type or tags
Patient Notes
Patient Sequences: This will show all campaigns the patient is currently active in.
Insurance verification tool and status
Pending forms
Completed forms
Uploaded documents
Insurance Information
Communication preferences
Appointment Reminder Customization
Patient documents: Use this section to securely share documents with your patients. All documents are deleted after one year. Please note that these documents can be sent to the patient via the Patient Portal secure message but will not be available for the patient to view otherwise. Please go to Settings to make sure your Patient Portal is active.