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Forms Update December 2023
Emily McClendon avatar
Written by Emily McClendon
Updated over 5 months ago

Making Forms Efficient for Families

Viewing Forms

  • Guarantor Access: If an adult marked as the guarantor or responsible party uses their link to access the form submission portal, they can view both their own forms and those for their minor dependents.

  • Minor’s Link: If an adult uses a minor's link to access the form portal, they will see forms for that minor and any additional minors in the family.

Propagating Information Between Family Member Forms

  • New Setting: A new setting, "Allow copy from family members," enables fields to be copied from one family member's form to another.

  • Copy Form Button: Patients can use the "Copy Form" button to copy values from a family member's form. This button appears only if other family members have already submitted their forms and if a similar form has been completed in the same session.

Adding Family Members on New Patient Forms

  • Adding Family Members: When filling out new patient forms through the public package link, patients can add multiple family members.

Form Submission Portal Enhancements

  • Password Hint: If login fails on the form submission portal, a password hint will show the first 2 characters of the patient's first name followed by three asterisks (e.g., "Jo***").

Form Campaign Settings

  • Existing Patient Form Campaign: In form settings, you can now adjust the number of days before an appointment that form messages are sent to existing patients, allowing them ample time to complete the forms.

  • New and Existing Patient Forms Campaign: You can filter automatic form campaigns using additional filters such as Tags, Ops, and Scheduled Services.

Pending Forms Icon

  • Huddle and Schedule: A new icon will show pending forms on the Huddle and Schedule views.

Emailing Completed Forms

  • Send Email: After a patient completes their forms, you can email them any completed treatment plans and consent forms upon request. An email icon will appear next to the patient's completed form.

Activity Notifications

  • Action Needed Notification: Under the Activity section on your PbN page, you'll receive a notification if the pending forms invite message cannot be sent. The notification will include the patient's name and the reason for the failure.

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